Tablet Station Delivers Engagement and Fulfillment at Sonoma County Library
When asked his thoughts about the Tablet Station, Mike Dawe, Acting Co-Deputy Director of Sonoma County Library, summed it up in two words “engagement” and “fulfillment.” Libraries, Mike noted, are all about engaging with their communities and fulfilling their diverse needs. The Tablet Station, he’s found, can help meet both objectives in a way that’s accessible, private and comfortable.
“With the Tablet Station, patrons can sit in a comfy chair and engage with content through apps, games and media,” said Dawe. “The tablets can also connect patrons with the resources and information they need such as access to email and the Internet for everything from paying bills to checking bus schedules without needing staff assistance or sitting at a computer table.”
Sonoma was the first library system in the United States to purchase the Tablet Station. The library now has 12 Stations, one in each library branch. The Tablet Stations are mostly in or near the children’s areas as Sonoma has found children are the most apt to use the colorful tablets. Parents will also use the tablets while waiting for children to finish looking for books or attending library programs, so the location works for both demographics. Sonoma is also exploring the idea of using the Tablet Station for programs, such as an Augmented Reality program they’re planning.
In addition to the benefits to patrons, Dawe likes that the Tablet Station is a web-based system so it’s easy for staff to set-up, manage and maintain from a web console, making it a win-win for staff and patrons alike.