Alphabytes V11N2 :: Holds Locker 2022-03-17T15:50:41-04:00

Library Holds Locker

Versatile and customizable, this intuitive system makes it easy for patrons to check-out and return items and for staff to shelve materials. The Library Holds Locker comes with built-in security features and arrives preconfigured and ready to run. The system is centrally configured and managed via the CloudNine® Locker Service and displays a complete inventory of all items.

EnvisionWare Holds LockerEnvisionWare’s Locker Service software is designed to save staff valuable time and reduce errors by eliminating manual pre-processing at the library. Staff simply:

  • Take the item to the locker
  • Scan the item’s RFID tag (or barcode for non-RFID libraries)
  • The item is desensitized and shelved
  • The system detects the borrower and a notification is sent out automatically from your ILS when the item is inserted into the locker – eliminating lag time between the notice and availability
  • Patrons pick up items using their library card (and optional PIN) – there is no need for a special pickup code

The locker hardware is built exclusively for EnvisionWare, ensuring that we have complete oversight with respect to quality and reliability and enabling us to provide a cost-effective solution priced to be accessible to libraries of all sizes.

We invite you to learn more about our new products in the EnvisionWare booth at PLA #1936. Not attending PLA? Contact your EnvisionWare representative to learn more.