Alphabytes V9N4 :: Niche Academy 2020-04-30T12:10:50-04:00

We help libraries deliver experiences of delight for their customers.

We do this with tutorials that tell people about library resources and help people learn how to use them. We also help library staff become more confident and effective. Library staff are the most powerful drivers of customer experiences.

Niche Academy
Niche Academy Tutorials

Libraries have been reporting a huge increase in eResource use and help requests at this time. Niche Academy has been a huge help for library users at this time – Toowoomba, for example, reports a 204% increase in use of the training tool and over 100% increase in the use of some resources.

Click here to read their news.

Niche Academy provides tutorials and online learning tools specifically for the needs of public libraries including:

  • Website widgets and ready-to-use tutorials to help patrons become more aware of and more comfortable using library resources like eBooks, language learning tools, streaming movies, and research databases.
  • Social media tutorials to answer common questions about tools like Facebook, Linked-In, and Goodreads.
  • Essential training and learning tracking for library staff training in things like basic tech skills, survival Spanish, how to deal with angry customers… and much more.
  • How are you helping your patrons?
  • How are you training your staff?